Word List
- -(e)hedespite negative circumstancesfirst declension
- -ádoeraffix
- -alawith reason, with blame, without futilitysecond declension
- -amawith reason, without blame, with futilitysecond declension
- -anawith reason, without blame, without futilitysecond declension
- -arawith reason, with blame, with futilitysecond declension
- -báa-interrogativeaffix
- -dsaid in angeraffix
- -dabeneficiaryaffix
- -daforbeneficiary marker
- -dasaid in jestaffix
- -dábeneficiary, by forceaffix
- -dáby force forbeneficiary marker
- -daáaccidentally forbeneficiary marker
- -daábeneficiary, accidentallyaffix
- -dáabeneficiary, obligatoryaffix
- -dáaobligatorily forbeneficiary marker
- -danassociate, with pleasureaffix
- -danwithassociation marker
- -defromaffix
- -defromsource marker
- -dein narrativeaffix
- -denassociateaffix
- -denwithassociation marker
- -diin teachingaffix
- -ditoaffix
- -ditogoal marker
- -dimtoaffix
- -duin poetryaffix
- -efor good reasonsfirst declension
- -haataffix
- -haatlocation marker
- -háaembed relative clauseaffix
- -háalishto an extraordinary degreeaffix
- -háalishto an extraordinary degreedegree marker
- -halto an unusual degreeaffix
- -halto an unusual degreedegree marker
- -héembed statementaffix
- -héeembed questionaffix
- -helto a trivial degreeaffix
- -helto a trivial degreedegree marker
- -heleto a troublesome degreeaffix
- -heleto a troublesome degreenegative degree marker
- -hilto a minor degreeaffix
- -hilto a minor degreedegree marker
- -hileto a severe degreeaffix
- -hileto a severe degreenegative degree marker
- -hóoemphasisaffix
- -hulto an extreme degreeaffix
- -hulto an extreme degreedegree marker
- -huleto an intolerable degreeaffix
- -huleto an intolerable degreenegative degree marker
- -idiminutiveaffix
- -ifor no reasonfirst declension
- -ibto shut offaffix
- -idmaleaffix
- -ihedto be numbaffix
- -imito be bewildered, positivelyaffix
- -imilhto be bewildered, negativelyaffix
- -inawithout reason, without blame, without futilitysecond declension
- -ithaaffix
- -iyonaffix
- -lanin celebrationaffix
- -liin loveaffix
- -mupathaffix
- -muviapath marker
- -naffix
- -nalin this wayaffix
- -nalmannermanner marker
- -nanperaffix
- -nanperinstrument marker
- -ofor foolish reasonsfirst declension
- -oaffix
- -óoaffix
- -radaagainstaffix
- -shaplaceaffix
- -shulean unberable degreenegative degree marker
- -thin painaffix
- -thobjectaffix
- -thaby reason of birthpossession marker
- -thapossession by birthaffix
- -thefor unknown or unacknowledged reasonpossession marker
- -thepossession for unacknowledged reasonsaffix
- -théleto a pleasing degreepositive degree marker
- -thiby reason of chancepossession marker
- -thipossession by reason of chanceaffix
- -thíleto a more-than-pleasing degreepositive degree marker
- -thootherpossession marker
- -thopossession by other meansaffix
- -thuthe false possessivepossession marker
- -thuaffix
- -thúleto the furthest degree of pleasingness possiblepositive degree marker
- -thúulto an extraordinarily pleasing degreepositive degree marker
- -ufor bad reasonsfirst declension
- -wáanbecauseaffix
- -wáanreasonreason marker
- -wanin order toaffix
- -wanpurposepurpose marker
- -yaatlocation marker
- -yain fearaffix
- -yaaffix
- -ye-affix
- -yi-affix
- -yóo-affix
- -zhaffix
- (none)to an ordinary degreedegree marker
- alovenoun
- ato love
- acore word
- á-babyaffix
- áabebooknoun
- áabewehebookstorenoun
- áadasmilenoun
- áadato smileintransitive verb
- aáláspraynoun
- aáláto spray
- áalaábutterflynoun
- aáláanwavenoun
- aáláthonto ejaculateintransitive verb
- aálecurlnoun
- aálerufflenoun
- aáleshparsleynoun
- áalathank you, thanksinterjection
- áalilomáasound of rhythmically flowing waternoun
- áalilomáansound of rhythmic wavesnoun
- áanasleepcore word
- áanasleepnoun
- áanato sleepintransitive verb
- áathdoornoun
- áathamchurchnoun
- áathethóodoor guestnoun
- áayáamysterious love; not yet known to be welcome or notnoun
- áayoskirtnoun
- áazhlove for one sexually desired at one time; but not nownoun
- áazhto love
- ablove for one liked but not respectednoun
- abto love
- abafragrancenoun
- abato be fragrantintransitive verb
- abashtarragonnoun
- abathedeclitorisnoun
- ábedfarmnoun
- ábedto farmintransitive verb
- ábedto farm
- ábedáfarmernoun
- ábedunfield of a farmnoun
- abeshall-that-isnoun
- abeshto be all thingsintransitive verb
- adlove for one respected but not likednoun
- adto love
- adalaughnoun
- adato laugh
- adadamaticklenoun
- adadamato tickle
- adalto sewnoun
- adalto sew
- AdalethamAugustnoun
- adamaticklenoun
- adamato tickle
- adelithdandruffnoun
- AdolDecembernoun
- adonia landingnoun
- adonito landintransitive verb
- adonito land
- ahanachocolatenoun
- ahanamezhcocoanoun
- AhedeSeptembernoun
- AheshMarchnoun
- áheshresponsibilitynoun
- áheshto be responsibleintransitive verb
- altoiletnoun
- alehaáláanrhythmnoun
- alehalaartnoun
- alehalato make artintransitive verb
- alehalemusicnoun
- alehaleto make musicintransitive verb
- AlelJanuarynoun
- alumarshnoun
- aluswampnoun
- álubchicknoun
- amlove for one related by bloodnoun
- amto loveintransitive verb
- amto love
- AmahinaMaynoun
- AmedaJulynoun
- amedaradancenoun
- amedarato danceintransitive verb
- ámidbaby animalnoun
- ámidvery young creaturenoun
- anto knowcore word
- anto know
- anafoodcore word
- anafoodnoun
- anadalmealnoun
- anadaláchefnoun
- anadalácooknoun
- anahelilithfeminist-angelnoun
- analelagarnoun
- anawehefood storenoun
- anawehegrocery storenoun
- anaweheto grocery shopintransitive verb
- ArahaneshaArkansasnoun
- AraneshaArkansasnoun
- arilaftercore word
- arilafter
- arilfuturetense
- arilfuture
- Arilgood-bye
- arillatercore word
- arillater
- Arilleavetakingnoun
- arílifar futuretense
- arílifar future
- ashstarcore word
- ashstarnoun
- ásháanajoyful menstruationnoun
- ásháanato menstruate joyfullyintransitive verb
- ashonlove for one not related by blood; but heart-kinnoun
- ashonto loveintransitive verb
- ashonto love
- athbenisonnoun
- athspoken blessingnoun
- athto give a spoken blessingintransitive verb
- AtheshJunenoun
- AthilAprilnoun
- AthonNovembernoun
- áwithbabynoun
- áwithinfantnoun
- áwithvery young personnoun
- áwithidmale babynoun
- áwithidmale infantnoun
- áwoddiapernoun
- áyato be beautifulcore word
- áyato be beautifulintransitive verb
- ayáaninFebruarynoun
- ayelove which is an unwelcome burdennoun
- ayeto loveintransitive verb
- ayeto love
- AyuOctobernoun
- azhlove for one sexually desired nownoun
- azhto loveintransitive verb
- azhto love
- azháadinto menopause uneventfullyintransitive verb
- azhurlovernoun
- bashe/it/he belovedpronoun
- báaI askspeech act morpheme
- báaI ask youspeech act morpheme
- báaI say to you as a questionspeech act morpheme
- báadin anger; I askspeech act morpheme
- báadain jest; I ask youspeech act morpheme
- báadeas a story; I askspeech act morpheme
- báadiin teaching; I askspeech act morpheme
- báaduas poetry; I askspeech act morpheme
- báalanin celebration; I askspeech act morpheme
- báaliin love; I askspeech act morpheme
- báathin pain; I askspeech act morpheme
- báayain fear; I askspeech act morpheme
- babíbirdcore word
- babíbirdnoun
- badmineralcore word
- badmineralnoun
- badarepeatedly, at randomrepetition marker
- badaspoonnoun
- badanrepeatedly, in a pattern over which humans have no controlrepetition marker
- badazhmetalnoun
- badazhudorenoun
- balbreadcore word
- balbreadnoun
- balaangernoun
- balábakernoun
- baledimbreadboxnoun
- balinto be oldcore word
- balinto be oldintransitive verb
- balinemidtortoisenoun
- balinemidturtlenoun
- balishquiltnoun
- balishto quiltintransitive verb
- bamaangernoun
- banthey belovedpronoun
- banto givecore word
- banto giveintransitive verb
- banaangernoun
- banebanforgivenessnoun
- banebanto forgiveintransitive verb
- banebanto forgive
- banibelgive and takenoun
- banibelto give and takeintransitive verb
- baraangernoun
- bashcommon sensenoun
- bashthornnoun
- bathclawnoun
- bathfingernailnoun
- bathnailnoun
- bathsixnoun
- bathtoenailnoun
- bathaforknoun
- bathethabsixteennoun
- bazhthey belovedpronoun
- beshe/it/hepronoun
- béI say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- bédin anger; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- bédain jest; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- bédeas a story; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- bedilearnnoun
- bedito learnintransitive verb
- bedito learn
- bédiin teaching; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- bédipromisenoun
- bédito promiseintransitive verb
- bedihálearnernoun
- bedihástudentnoun
- bedihimschool field tripnoun
- bediholowodclassnoun
- bedilhothuseless knowledge lessonnoun
- bedilothknowledge lessonnoun
- bédimcontractnoun
- bédimdealnoun
- bédimto make a contractintransitive verb
- bédimto make a dealintransitive verb
- bedinalessonnoun
- bedishodclassroomnoun
- bediwothwisdom lessonnoun
- béduas poetry; I say as a promise...;speech act morpheme
- béeI say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béedin anger; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béedain jest; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béedeas a story; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béediin teaching; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béeduin poetry; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béelanin celebration; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béeliin love; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béethin pain; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- béeyain fear; I say in warningspeech act morpheme
- behalsurfacenoun
- behalwork counternoun
- behidhepronoun
- behilifluidnoun
- belto takeintransitive verb
- belto take
- bélanin celebration; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- béliin love; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- belidhousenoun
- belidácarpenternoun
- bentheypronoun
- benemstaynoun
- benemto stayintransitive verb
- beneththempronoun
- berídanauntnoun
- bethher/him/itpronoun
- bethhomecore word
- bethhomenoun
- béthin pain; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- bethebmirrornoun
- bethebto mirrorintransitive verb
- bethebto mirror
- bethudcavenoun
- béyain fear; I say as a promisespeech act morpheme
- beyesomebody/someone/somethingpronoun
- beyenseveral (2 to 5) unidentified somebodies or somethingspronoun
- beyezhmany (more than 5) unidentified somebodies or somethingspronoun
- beyóoherself/himself/itselfpronoun
- beyóohidhimselfpronoun
- beyóonthemselvespronoun
- beyóozhthemselvespronoun
- bezhtheypronoun
- bezheththempronoun
- bishe/it/hepronoun
- bidnervenoun
- bidsinknoun
- bíiI sayspeech act morpheme
- bíiI say to you; as a statementspeech act morpheme
- bíidin anger; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíidain jest; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíideas a story; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíidiin teaching; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíiduas a poem; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíilanin celebration; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíiliin love; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíithin pain; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bíiyain fear; I sayspeech act morpheme
- bilfunnoun
- bimfournoun
- bimethabfourteennoun
- bimeyafourthnoun
- binbowlnoun
- bintheypronoun
- binaanger with no reason; with no one to blame; which is not futilenoun
- binigiftnoun
- bishprizenoun
- bishibsuddenlynoun
- bishibto be suddenintransitive verb
- bithimmeet with
- bithimmeetingnoun
- bithimto meet
- bizhtheypronoun
- bomountaincore word
- bomountainnoun
- bóI commandspeech act morpheme
- boddishnoun
- bodlinenoun
- bodline of codenoun
- bódin anger; I commandspeech act morpheme
- bódain jest; I commandspeech act morpheme
- bódeas a story; I commandspeech act morpheme
- bodehalrodnoun
- bodehalstaffnoun
- bodehalstavenoun
- bódiin teaching; I command...; command speech act; in teaching (very rare except to small children)speech act morpheme
- bodibodprogramnoun
- bodibodto programintransitive verb
- bodibodto program
- bóduas poetry; I command...; command speech act; in poetry (very rare except to small children)speech act morpheme
- bohíto be shortintransitive verb
- bolfleecy-cloudednoun
- bólanin celebration; I command...; command speech act; in celebration (very rare except to small children)speech act morpheme
- bóliin love; I command...; command speech act; in love (very rare except to small children)speech act morpheme
- bomoilnoun
- bompenisnoun
- bomto oil
- bonshirtnoun
- boóthreenoun
- bóoI request...; request speech act; neutral (usual command form)speech act morpheme
- boóbidimbasketnoun
- boóbilivynoun
- boóbinbraidnoun
- boóbinto braid
- bóodin anger; I request...; request speech act; in angerspeech act morpheme
- bóodain jest; I request...; request speech act; in jestspeech act morpheme
- bóodanrescue; save; to rescue; to savespeech act morpheme
- bóodeas a story; I request...; request speech act; in narrativespeech act morpheme
- bóodiin teaching; I request...; request speech act; in teachingspeech act morpheme
- bóoduas poetry; I request...; request speech act; in poetryspeech act morpheme
- bóolanin celebration; I request...; request speech act; in celebrationspeech act morpheme
- bóoliin love; I request...; request speech act; in lovespeech act morpheme
- boómiclovernoun
- boómioxalisnoun
- boóshcurvenoun
- boóshto be curvedintransitive verb
- bóothin pair; I request...; request speech act; in painspeech act morpheme
- boóthabthirteennoun
- boóyathirdnoun
- bóoyain fear; I request...; request speech act; in fearspeech act morpheme
- boshwoodnoun
- boshoyabark of treenoun
- boshumcloudnoun
- bothhotelnoun
- bothmotelnoun
- bóthin pain; I command...; command speech act; in pain (very rare except to small children)speech act morpheme
- bóyain fear; I command...; command speech act; in fear (very rare except to small children)speech act morpheme
- bradarepeatedly, in a pattern fixed arbitrarily by human beingsrepetition marker
- bradarepeatedly; in a pattern fixed arbitaraily by human beings; repeatedly in an artificial pattern; repetition morpheme (see also bada; badan; bradan; bradá)repetition marker
- bradárepeatedly, in what appears to be a pattern but cannot be demonstrated or proved to be onerepetition marker
- bradárepeatedly; in a what appears to be a pattern but cannot be demonstrated or proved to be one; repetition morpheme (see also bada; badan; brada; bradan)repetition marker
- bradanrepeatedly, in a pattern fixed by humans by analogy to some phenomenon (such as the seasons)repetition marker
- bradanrepeatedly; in a pattern fixed by humans by analogy to some phenomenon (such as the seasons) repetition morpheme (see also bada; badan; brada; bradá)repetition marker
- brelayernoun
- bre…ébreif .. thencore word
- bre...ébreif .. then
- bremedaonionnoun
- brethamspiralnoun
- bróobecausecore word
- bróobecause
- búto be hard to understandintransitive verb
- búto be oddintransitive verb
- búto be perverseintransitive verb
- búto be quirkyintransitive verb
- budclothingnoun
- budninenoun
- budabuddhanoun
- budahábuddhistnoun
- budehalidmasqueradenoun
- budeshunceremonial clothingnoun
- budethabnineteennoun
- budimwardrobenoun
- búláaillusionnoun
- búláalhharmful illusionnoun
- búláalhperverse illusionnoun
- búsholanalone in the bosom of your familynoun
- búsholanto be alone in the bosom of your familyintransitive verb
- buthto gatherintransitive verb
- buthto gather
- buzhconferencenoun
- buzhconventionnoun
- dáanwordnoun
- dáan i oyibody languagenoun
- dáanashonápoetnoun
- dáanelompoemnoun
- dáanolineword angelnoun
- dadempicturenoun
- dademadalembroiderynoun
- dademadalto embroiderintransitive verb
- dademadalto embroider
- dahanbednoun
- dalthingcore word
- dalthingnoun
- dal wahaanythingnoun
- dalaany growing thingcore word
- dalafrustration with reason; with someone to blame; which is not futile; to be frustrated (dama; dana; dara; dina= frustration)
- dalagrowing thingnoun
- dalaplantcore word
- dalaplantnoun
- dalathamberrynoun
- daleany made thingcore word
- dalemade thingnoun
- daleobjectcore word
- daleobjectnoun
- dalebediwandesknoun
- dalehalemusical instrumentnoun
- dalehanawanbednoun
- dalehebewansales tablenoun
- dalemathstorehousenoun
- dalemathwarehousenoun
- daleshunceremonial objectnoun
- dalethodewanwriting implementnoun
- dalewodewanchairnoun
- daleyodewantablenoun
- damto manifest
- damto show signs of some emotion
- damto show signs of some state
- damafrustration with reason; without someone to blame; which is futile; to be frustrated (dala; dana; dara; dina= frustration)
- damato feel with the skin
- damato touch
- damashexhibitionisticly demonstrate one’s skillintransitive verb
- danlanguagecore word
- danlanguagenoun
- danafrustration with reason; without someone to blame; which is not futile; to be frustrated (dala; dama; dara; dina= frustration)
- darafrustration with reason; with someone to blame; which is futile; to be frustrated (dala; dama; dana; dina= frustration)
- dashtoothnoun
- dashelámálato caress with teeth
- dashelámálato nibble
- dashobebitenoun
- dashobeto bite
- dathpointnoun
- dathineedlenoun
- dathidalpinnoun
- dathimneedleworknoun
- dathimto needleworkintransitive verb
- dathimemidspidernoun
- dathimezhubspidernoun
- dathimiconifernoun
- dathimipine treenoun
- dathimidhedgehognoun
- dathimidporcupinenoun
- dathimithedeambernoun
- dazhto be pliantcore word
- dazhto be pliantintransitive verb
- dazhto be softcore word
- dazhto be softintransitive verb
- dazhto be yieldingcore word
- dazhto be yieldingintransitive verb
- dazhéebrubbernoun
- debeone-hundrednoun
- debe i nedeone-hundred-and-onenoun
- dedidestorynoun
- dedidebudcostumenoun
- dedideherilherstorynoun
- dedideherilidhis-storynoun
- dedidelomoperanoun
- dedidethodánovelistnoun
- dedidethodástorywriternoun
- dedidewothmythnoun
- déedanto interpretintransitive verb
- déedanto interpret
- déelagardennoun
- déeladáansentencenoun
- déethelflutenoun
- dehenafriendliness; despite negative circumstances; to be friendly (dena; dina; dona; duna=friendliness)
- dehenimeatnoun
- dehenihábutchernoun
- delradionoun
- delinspacenoun
- delisheto cryintransitive verb
- delisheto weepintransitive verb
- delithhairnoun
- demwindownoun
- demásomeone you can see right throughnoun
- demáazhtractornoun
- demerencurtainnoun
- denhelpcore word
- denhelpnoun
- dento helpcore word
- dento helpintransitive verb
- dento help
- denafriendliness for good reason; to be friendly (dehena; dina; dona; duna= friendliness)
- denáassistantnoun
- denáhelpernoun
- deshdrugnoun
- desháanato menstruate early; menstruationintransitive verb
- desharadepression as a side effect of medicationnoun
- dito saycore word
- dito sayintransitive verb
- dito speakcore word
- dito speakintransitive verb
- dito talkintransitive verb
- dito tellcore word
- dito tellintransitive verb
- dibtowelnoun
- dibithimto greet
- dideto be earlyintransitive verb
- didehalbeginning careernoun
- didehalearly careernoun
- didesháhours between dawn and rising timenoun
- diháspeakernoun
- diharilto foretell
- diharilto predict
- diherilto recount past events
- diherilto reminisce
- dihomedalconvention panel discussionnoun
- dihomedalpanelnoun
- diídinholidaynoun
- dimcontainercore word
- dimcontainernoun
- dimidimcupboardnoun
- dimidimdressernoun
- dimilto be lavishintransitive verb
- dimilto be luxuriousintransitive verb
- dimilto be sumptuousintransitive verb
- dimilinornamentnoun
- dimodbagnoun
- dimodpursenoun
- dimodsacknoun
- dimóowastovenoun
- dinafriendliness for no reason; to be friendly (dehena; dena;dona; duna=friendliness)
- dinafrustration without reason; without someone to blame; which is not futile; to be frustrated (dala; dama; dana; dara = frustration)
- dínídintoynoun
- dinimeto be beholdenintransitive verb
- dishóodalto tell newsintransitive verb
- dithvoicenoun
- dithalpraisenoun
- dithalto praise
- dithemidcownoun
- dizhkettlenoun
- doto be strongcore word
- doto be strongintransitive verb
- dó-to cause toaffix
- dobshelfnoun
- dodfastnoun
- dodto fastintransitive verb
- dodelinterfacenoun
- dodelto interfaceintransitive verb
- doditraynoun
- dóhadato be comicalintransitive verb
- dóhadato be funnyintransitive verb
- dóhibeyóoto fold
- dóhinto create
- dóhinto enact
- dóhoto wrap
- dóhowrapnoun
- dolrootnoun
- dolelithprinciplenoun
- dólhoradoto dominate
- doluthspinenoun
- domto remembercore word
- domto rememberintransitive verb
- domto remember
- domeshrosemarynoun
- domidelephantnoun
- doncombnoun
- donafriendliness for foolish reasons; to be friendly (dehena; dena; dina; duna=friendliness)
- donidirtcore word
- donidirtnoun
- doniearthcore word
- doniearthnoun
- DoniEarthnoun
- donigroundcore word
- donigroundnoun
- donisoilcore word
- donisoilnoun
- donidanlovingkindnessnoun
- donidanálovingkindnessernoun
- donihumplownoun
- donihumto plowintransitive verb
- donihumto plow
- donilimudnoun
- donilihudbricknoun
- donilihudto brickintransitive verb
- donimshovelnoun
- donithenearthquakenoun
- dóowell.... (phrase)
- doólat last; finally
- doóledoshpain or loss which comes as a relief by virtue of ending the anticipation of its comingnoun
- doólelasholanalone at last after tiresome experience or peoplenoun
- doólesholreliefnoun
- dóolonviolinnoun
- dóonto be correctintransitive verb
- dóonenalcorrectlynoun
- dóradoto dominateintransitive verb
- dóradoto dominate
- doroledim(sublimation with food accompanied by guilt about that sublimation) This word has no English equivalent whatsoever. Say you have an average woman. She has no control over her life. She has little or nothing in the way of a resource for being good to herself; even when it is necessary. She has family and animals and friends and associates that depend on her for sustenance of all kinds. She rarely has adequate sleep or rest; she has no time for herself; no space of her own; little or no money to buy things for herself; no opportunity to consider her own emotional needs. She is at the beck and call of others; because she has these responsibilities and obligations and does not choose to (or cannot) abandon them. For such a woman; the one and only thing she is likely to have a little control over for indulging her own self is FOOD. When such a woman overeats; the verb for that is doroledim. (And then she feels guilty; because there are women whose children are starving and who do not have even THAT option for self-indulgence... )
- doshburdennoun
- dothto followintransitive verb
- dothto follow
- dóthadto enableintransitive verb
- dóthadto make possible or easyintransitive verb
- dóthadáenablernoun
- dóthadáone who enablesnoun
- dóthadáone who makes things possible or easynoun
- dóthadelhto enable another to persist in self-destructive behavior
- dóthadelháenablernoun
- dóthadelháone who enables another to persist in self-destructive behaviornoun
- doyáaninoaknoun
- dóyomprotectnoun
- dóyomsafeguardnoun
- dóyomshieldnoun
- doyuapplenoun
- du-to try toaffix
- dulto give restintransitive verb
- dulto refreshintransitive verb
- dumidalfoxnoun
- dunfieldnoun
- dunmeadownoun
- dunafriendliness for bad reasons; to be friendly (dehena; dena; dina; dona= friendliness)
- dushto be obliged to
- dushto have to
- duthto use
- duthato heal
- duthaháhealernoun
- duthahodbandagenoun
- duthahodbandage
- duthahothhospitalnoun
- duthamazhambulancenoun
- duthawishanesthesianoun
- dutheshherbal remedynoun
- duthesharadepression as a side effect of medicationnoun
- dúu-to try in vain toaffix
- eeithercore word
- eorcore word
- eor; either
- e-science ofaffix
- é-potentialaffix
- ebto buy
- ebto sell
- ebaspousenoun
- ebábuyernoun
- ebásellernoun
- ebahóolmale deitynoun
- ebalábakernoun
- ebidneurologynoun
- ebodceramicsnoun
- ebodáceramistnoun
- ebodápotternoun
- ébrethen
- edtoolcore word
- edtoolnoun
- édáanlexical gapnoun
- edáanashonpoeticsnoun
- edáanelompoetrynoun
- edalabotanynoun
- edamascience of touchnoun
- edanlinguisticsnoun
- edanálinguistnoun
- edashdentistrynoun
- edashádentistnoun
- edegraincore word
- edegrainnoun
- édeneverthelessnoun
- ededalpastanoun
- edeláadto believe
- edeláadto believe in
- edeláadabelievernoun
- edemathgrainerynoun
- edemezhflournoun
- edemezhto flour
- edemidmousenoun
- edeneshsavorynoun
- edenibeannoun
- edethito share
- edirhetoricnoun
- edincousinnoun
- eduthengineeringnoun
- eduthamedicinenoun
- edutháengineernoun
- eduthahádoctornoun
- eduthaháhealernoun
- eduthaháphysiciannoun
- eduthawehepharmacynoun
- eduthemidbeavernoun
- éebjuicenoun
- éebsapnoun
- éebaportentousnoun
- éebemahawetness caused by sexual desirenoun
- eédenformalismnoun
- eédenscientific notationnoun
- eéleterrornoun
- éelengrapenoun
- éelenethilgrapevinenoun
- éemeto love
- éeshsheepnoun
- éeyadiseasecore word
- éeyadiseasenoun
- éeyaillnesscore word
- éeyaillnessnoun
- éeyasicknesscore word
- éeyasicknessnoun
- éezhgoatnoun
- éezhalizardnoun
- eháscientistnoun
- eháawithchild-sciencenoun
- ehábedagriculturenoun
- ehábedscience of farmingnoun
- ehananutritionnoun
- ehashastronomynoun
- ehathchronographynoun
- ehéedareligionnoun
- ehenphilosophynoun
- ehibcriminologynoun
- ehobaanatomynoun
- ehodtextile sciencenoun
- ehodátextile scientistnoun
- ehohelbusiness sciencenoun
- éholhobparticularly malicious threatnoun
- éholhobto threaten very maliciously
- éholobthreatnoun
- éholobto threaten
- ehomeducationnoun
- ehothgeographynoun
- ehoyuaudiologynoun
- elto makecore word
- elto make
- elácreatornoun
- elámakernoun
- elahelacelebrationnoun
- elalimidotternoun
- elamithmathematicsnoun
- elashto playintransitive verb
- elashto play
- elasháanamenstruationnoun
- elasháanato menstruate for the first timeintransitive verb
- elashemidsquirrelnoun
- elasholanalone and glad of itnoun
- elasholanto be alone and glad of itintransitive verb
- elathilmorning glorynoun
- elazháadinto menopause when it's welcomeintransitive verb
- eliricolor sciencenoun
- elithpsychologynoun
- elithápsychologistnoun
- elodscience of house managementnoun
- elodáhousehusbandnoun
- elodáhousewifenoun
- elosheconomicsnoun
- elosháeconomistnoun
- elothinformation sciencenoun
- elothelmemorynoun
- elubencartographynoun
- emyes
- emahincooking sciencenoun
- ematharchitecturenoun
- emathmamanoun
- emathmothernoun
- ematháarchitectnoun
- emethto clownintransitive verb
- emetháclownnoun
- emidbiologynoun
- eminatransportationnoun
- enbeforecore word
- ento understandcore word
- ento understandintransitive verb
- ento understand
- enalscientificallynoun
- enidbrushnoun
- enolineangel-sciencenoun
- erabalhtemptationnoun
- erabalhedito temptation
- erihistorynoun
- eriháhistoriannoun
- erilearliercore word
- erilearlier; before (in time)
- erilpasttense
- erilpast (Time Auxiliary); a word used to indicate past time
- erílifar pasttense
- erílifar past; long ago (Time Auxiliary)
- eróoagriculturenoun
- eruscience of synergynoun
- erusynergisticsnoun
- eruhásynergistnoun
- eshboatcore word
- eshboatnoun
- eshascience of harmonynoun
- esháboaternoun
- esháboatmannoun
- eshásailornoun
- eshinehalcomputer sciencenoun
- eshishidchemistrynoun
- eshonpeace-sciencenoun
- eshonádiplomatnoun
- ethto be about
- ethamgeometrynoun
- éthecleannoun
- étheto be cleancore word
- étheto be cleanintransitive verb
- étheto make cleanSee also: háawithéthe; huhéthe; mudahéthe; onidahéthe; thóohéthe
- éthedalvacuum cleanernoun
- éthedalesoapnoun
- éthehodwashclothnoun
- ethóohospitalitynoun
- ewithanthropologynoun
- ewitháanthropologistnoun
- ewithidscience of malesnoun
- ewomilanimal husbandrynoun
- eyonadministrationnoun
- ezhasnakenoun
- ezhabinvestigationnoun
- ezhabáinvestigatornoun
- ezhahithlightning boltnoun
- ezhazhaeronauticsnoun
- ezhoacousticsnoun
- háa-youthaffix
- háalemamidfawnnoun
- háamithymenoun
- háamidchild creaturenoun
- háamidyoung animalnoun
- háanáaleveningnoun
- háasháalmorningnoun
- háawilidunedaltanknoun
- háawithchildnoun
- háawithchild personnoun
- háawithyouthnoun
- háawithéthechild-cleannoun
- háawithétheto be child-cleanintransitive verb
- háawithidboy childnoun
- habelidto inhabit
- habelidto live in
- habocoatnoun
- hádato fallintransitive verb
- hadihadalways
- hahíto be briefintransitive verb
- hahíto be ephemeralintransitive verb
- hahodto be in a state of
- hahodibdeliberately shut off from all feelingsnoun
- hahodibto be in a state of shut offintransitive verb
- hahodihedto be in a state of numbnessintransitive verb
- hahodihedto be in shockintransitive verb
- hahodihedto be numbintransitive verb
- hahodimito be in a state of bewildermentintransitive verb
- hahodimito be in astonishmentintransitive verb
- hahodimilhto be in a state of bewildermentintransitive verb
- hahodimilhto be in astonishmenintransitive verb
- hahodithato be in a state of linked empathically
- hahodiyonecstasynoun
- hahodiyonto be in a state of ecstasyintransitive verb
- hahodoto be in a state of meditationintransitive verb
- hahodóoto be in a state of hypnotic tranceintransitive verb
- halto workcore word
- halto workintransitive verb
- halworkcore word
- halworknoun
- haláworkernoun
- halehadihahalwork which is constantly being interruptednoun
- halezhubantnoun
- halidcompetitionnoun
- halithargumentnoun
- halithpropositionnoun
- hamthere areintransitive verb
- hamthere isintransitive verb
- hamto attendintransitive verb
- hamto be presentcore word
- hamto be presentintransitive verb
- hansouthnoun
- HanesháalThursdaynoun
- hathtimecore word
- hathtimenoun
- hath boóthrice
- hath menedebeoften
- hath nedeonce
- hath nedebeseldom
- hath shintwice
- hath wahaanytime
- hath wohoevery time
- hathalto be goodintransitive verb
- hathamcenternoun
- HathamesháalSundaynoun
- hathehathforevernoun
- hathehathtime everlastingnoun
- hatherilwoman-timenoun
- hatherilidman-timenoun
- hathobéeyauntil
- hathóolmonthnoun
- háwithábaby nursenoun
- háwithánannynoun
- háyato be beautifulintransitive verb
- hebdowncore word
- hebdownnoun
- hedglassnoun
- hédato drop
- hédato let fall
- hédato spill
- héedato be holyintransitive verb
- héedato be sacredintransitive verb
- héedáto lift up
- héedáto pick up
- héedanto translate
- héedaranasacred drinknoun
- héedaranato drink sacred drinkintransitive verb
- héenasibling of the heartnoun
- héeyafearcore word
- héeyafearnoun
- héeyato be afraidcore word
- héeyato be afraidintransitive verb
- héeyato fearcore word
- héeyato fear
- héeyasholanto be alone with terrorintransitive verb
- hemunderwearnoun
- hemenbushnoun
- henasibling by birthnoun
- heneeastnoun
- HenesháalMondaynoun
- heshgrasscore word
- heshgrassnoun
- heshedonrakenoun
- heshedonto rakeintransitive verb
- heshedonto rake
- heshehothparknoun
- heshoto exceed
- heshoto surpass
- hethdowrynoun
- heyipainnoun
- hezhlemonnoun
- hithatpronoun
- hithispronoun
- hibovarynoun
- hibidtesticlenoun
- hibohillnoun
- hibomidcamelnoun
- hidelham radionoun
- hihathnownoun
- hihathright nownoun
- hihathright this instantnoun
- hilattentionnoun
- hilto attendintransitive verb
- hilto pay attention to
- hinthesepronoun
- hinthosepronoun
- hinalthus
- hinethedthosepronoun
- hinethomathesepronoun
- hishsnownoun
- hishudhailnoun
- hithedthatpronoun
- hithomathispronoun
- hiwethaleft directionnoun
- hiwethoright directionnoun
- híyato be smallcore word
- híyato be smallintransitive verb
- híyahathweeknoun
- híyameshnarrownoun
- hizhlimenoun
- hizhthesepronoun
- hizhthosepronoun
- hizhethedthosepronoun
- hizhethomathesepronoun
- hobbutternoun
- hoberídangreat-auntnoun
- hodstomachnoun
- hodaapology; pardon me; phrase to indicate that you regret whatever it is that you find yourself obliged to do -- like interrupting someone (see hóoda)
- hodáathbowelsnoun
- hodáathintestinesnoun
- hodotulipnoun
- hohalofficenoun
- hohalworkplacenoun
- hohamaglorynoun
- hohathadall-powernoun
- hohathadomnipotencenoun
- holanemidwolfnoun
- homnectarnoun
- homanadessertnoun
- homananectar foodnoun
- homeyunectarinenoun
- honwestnoun
- honáalhours between midnight and dawnnoun
- HonesháalTuesdaynoun
- hóomattressnoun
- hóodaapology; excuse me; phrase to indicate that you need to leave a particular location (see hoda)
- hoówithgranddaughternoun
- hoówithidgrandsonnoun
- hoshfeathernoun
- hosherídangreat niecenoun
- hothplacecore word
- hothplacenoun
- hoth wahaanywherenoun
- hothalto be goodintransitive verb
- hothulgrandmothernoun
- hothulewothmomiliesnoun
- hóyato be beautifulintransitive verb
- hoyotailnoun
- hozhazhairportnoun
- hubossnoun
- hurulernoun
- hubodedgenoun
- huhétheboss-cleannoun
- huhétheto be boss-cleanintransitive verb
- huhidkingnoun
- hulehulfor sure (an emphatic; strong positive)
- humknifenoun
- humato be sharpintransitive verb
- humazhoto whistleintransitive verb
- humazhowhistlenoun
- humazhomidguinea pignoun
- humeshto cutintransitive verb
- hunnorthnoun
- HunesháalWednesdaynoun
- husháanapainful menstruationnoun
- husháanato menstruate painfullyintransitive verb
- huthilkudzunoun
- húumidowl hoonoun
- iandcore word
- iand
- ibagainstnoun
- ibcrimenoun
- ibádito accuseintransitive verb
- ibálhcriminalnoun
- ibathto scratchintransitive verb
- ibáyóodito confessintransitive verb
- iboexhaustionnoun
- iboto exhaust oneselfintransitive verb
- ibolh(negative) exhaustionnoun
- ibolhto exhaust with negative connotationintransitive verb
- ibosharaburnoutnoun
- ibothscratchnoun
- idand then
- idand-thencore word
- idonbrushnoun
- ihebeforecore word
- ihein front ofcore word
- ihébefore (in space); in front of
- ihéeafter (in space); behind
- ihéeaftercore word
- ihéebehindcore word
- íialso
- íizhaalthough
- ilto look at
- ilto observe
- ilto pay attention to
- ilto see
- ilto watch
- iláspectatornoun
- ílhidisgustnoun
- ílhilhdisgust and disapprovalnoun
- iliwatercore word
- iliwatercore word
- iliwaternoun
- ilihedericenoun
- ilimedalettucenoun
- ilisháadswimnoun
- ilisháadto swimintransitive verb
- iliwushmopnoun
- iliyeburinenoun
- iluhosenoun
- iluliblood vesselnoun
- imto travelintransitive verb
- imedimsuitcasenoun
- into existintransitive verb
- inasleepnoun
- inato sleepintransitive verb
- inadpantsnoun
- inadtrousersnoun
- ishiddigitnoun
- ishidaglovesnoun
- ishidamittensnoun
- ishidasocksnoun
- ishidastockingsnoun
- ishidito chatterintransitive verb
- ishishto fidgetintransitive verb
- ithlightnoun
- ithedallampnoun
- ithedallightnoun
- ithedallight making objectnoun
- íthito be highintransitive verb
- íthito be tallintransitive verb
- izhbutcore word
- izhbut
- laIpronoun
- láaperceptionnoun
- láadto perceivecore word
- láadto perceiveintransitive verb
- láad óoyonanto perceive with the mouthintransitive verb
- láad óoyonanto tasteintransitive verb
- láad oyananto feel something on your skinintransitive verb
- láad oyananto perceive with the skinintransitive verb
- láad oyinanto lookintransitive verb
- láad oyinanto perceive with the eyesintransitive verb
- láad oyinanto seeintransitive verb
- láad oyonanto perceive with the noseintransitive verb
- láad oyonanto smellintransitive verb
- láad oyunanto hearintransitive verb
- láad oyunanto perceive with the earsintransitive verb
- láadáperceivernoun
- LáadanLáadannoun
- láadomto recognize
- láahomáperception teachernoun
- láashodmeditation roomnoun
- láashodperception roomnoun
- ladinimeto interactintransitive verb
- ladinimeto interact
- lahebspicenoun
- LahilaDeitynoun
- LahilaHoly-Onenoun
- lalmilknoun
- lalalmother's milknoun
- lalenguitarnoun
- lalewidato be pregnant joyfullyintransitive verb
- lalirainnoun
- lalito rainintransitive verb
- lalito rain
- lalidáanpoemnoun
- lalidáanápoetnoun
- lalilomsound of rain on the roofnoun
- lalimilomsound of rain on leavesnoun
- lalomto singintransitive verb
- lalomto sing
- lamhealthnoun
- lamto be healthyintransitive verb
- lámáhelto carve
- lámáhelto sculpt
- lámálato caress
- lámálato stroke
- laminumbernoun
- laminumeralnoun
- lamithto countintransitive verb
- lamithto count
- lamitháaccountantnoun
- lanfriendnoun
- lanwepronoun
- lanemiddognoun
- lashindifferencenoun
- lathto be celibate by choiceintransitive verb
- lawidato be pregnantintransitive verb
- lawithsaintnoun
- layarednoun
- layato be redintransitive verb
- layunorangenoun
- layunto be orangeintransitive verb
- lazhwepronoun
- leIpronoun
- lebenemynoun
- ledharmony in the homenoun
- lée-affix
- léelidaffodilnoun
- léelijonquilnoun
- léelinarcissusnoun
- lehinalilacnoun
- lelseaweednoun
- lélito be yellowintransitive verb
- léliyellownoun
- lelithalgaenoun
- lemadamato cuddle
- lemamiddeernoun
- lemamididstagnoun
- lenwepronoun
- lenedito us
- lenethuspronoun
- lenethaourpronoun
- lenethoourpronoun
- lenethothourpronoun
- lethmepronoun
- leyanbrownnoun
- leyibluenoun
- leyidalathamblueberrynoun
- leyóomyselfpronoun
- leyóonourselvespronoun
- leyóozhourselvespronoun
- lezhourselvespronoun
- lh- or -lh or -lh-badaffix
- lhasinnoun
- lhadaridiculenoun
- lhadascornnoun
- lhebenemynoun
- lhebehatrednoun
- lhebeshe/it/hepronoun
- lhebentheypronoun
- lhebezhtheypronoun
- lheddiscord in the homenoun
- lheleIpronoun
- lhelenwepronoun
- lhelezhwepronoun
- lheneyoupronoun
- lhenenyoupronoun
- lhenezhyoupronoun
- lhezhubnoxious insectnoun
- lhobomto rape
- lhohoshamenoun
- lhupoisonnoun
- lhuto poison
- lhuddebtnoun
- liIpronoun
- líithito be whiteintransitive verb
- líithiwhitenoun
- líithingraynoun
- líithinto be grayintransitive verb
- lilato female-sexual-actintransitive verb
- lilato female-sexual-act
- lilahálover (female only - not used to refer to males)noun
- lilathunmassagenoun
- lilathunmassage
- lilito be wetcore word
- lilito be wetintransitive verb
- liliháaláalabia majora & minoranoun
- limlimbellnoun
- linwepronoun
- lirito be coloredcore word
- lirito be coloredintransitive verb
- lirito have colorcore word
- lirito have colorintransitive verb
- lishto lightningintransitive verb
- lishenalvividlynoun
- lishidto signintransitive verb
- lishidásignernoun
- litha thoughtnoun
- lithto thinkintransitive verb
- lithewilhypothesisnoun
- liyengreennoun
- liyento be greenintransitive verb
- lizhwepronoun
- loto rejoiceintransitive verb
- lobto fill
- lobto fill up
- lodhouseholdnoun
- lódato be pregnant wearilyintransitive verb
- lohilto watch internally
- loláadto perceive internally
- loláad lhohothto be ashamedintransitive verb
- loláad lhohothto perceive one's shameintransitive verb
- loláad óoyananto be aware of
- loláad óoyananto sense
- lolehothcommunity placenoun
- lolhan oppressive lolnoun
- lolinassemblynoun
- lolingatheringnoun
- lolinrocking chairnoun
- lolinto assembleintransitive verb
- lolinto gatherintransitive verb
- lomsongcore word
- lomsongnoun
- lomethasong that belongs to her by birthnoun
- lóoloto be slowcore word
- lóoloto be slowintransitive verb
- lóothito be black and whiteintransitive verb
- lóoyoto taste
- lorolothundernoun
- loshcreditnoun
- loshmoneynoun
- loshábankernoun
- loshebelidbankernoun
- loshehalidauctionnoun
- lothinformationnoun
- lothelto know
- lowitheláadto feel another's feelings
- loyadato yearnintransitive verb
- loyadato yearn for
- loyanintuitionnoun
- loyoblacknoun
- loyoto be blackintransitive verb
- loyodalathamblackberrynoun
- loyuto be dark-coloredintransitive verb
- luplease; polite phrase
- lubchickennoun
- lubducknoun
- lubfowlnoun
- lubgoosenoun
- lubpoultrycore word
- lubpoultrynoun
- lubenmapnoun
- luddebtnoun
- ludádebtornoun
- ludito be femaleintransitive verb
- ludiháfemalenoun
- luhilibloodnoun
- lulvaginanoun
- lulapurplenoun
- lulato be purpleintransitive verb
- lulincradlenoun
- lushmysterynoun
- Lushededeitynoun
- Lushedegoddessnoun
- lushimáhomosexual femalenoun
- lushimálesbiannoun
- luthto rock
- lúulguardiannoun
- luwilibirth-bloodnoun
- mato hear
- mato listen
- mato listen to
- máaeggcore word
- máaeggnoun
- máansaltnoun
- máananto be saltyintransitive verb
- madto hide an emotion or aspect of selfintransitive verb
- madonito plant
- mahasexual desirenoun
- mahanaldesiringlynoun
- mahanallustfullynoun
- mahelacreative urgenoun
- mahincooking potnoun
- mahinaflowernoun
- malnut-treenoun
- malusalt marshnoun
- marabsencenoun
- marto be absentintransitive verb
- maradalgapnoun
- maradalholenoun
- mariislandnoun
- mathbuildingnoun
- mathomknick-knacknoun
- mathomuseless objectnoun
- mathulmothernoun
- mazhautomobilenoun
- mazhcarnoun
- me-affix
- medavegetablenoun
- medalayuncarrotnoun
- meénsugarnoun
- meénanto be sweetintransitive verb
- meénanásweetenernoun
- méeshpleasurenoun
- méeshimpleasurenoun
- méhénacompassion despite negative circumstancesnoun
- melpapernoun
- melaoceannoun
- melaseanoun
- meláaninbirch treenoun
- melaháocean-dwellernoun
- melothevidencenoun
- memazhtrainnoun
- ménacompassion for good reasonsnoun
- menedebeto be manycore word
- menedebeto be many (never change form or add case marker)
- menedebenilamong (many)
- menedeboshbundle of sticksnoun
- menedeboshfaggotnoun
- merodbillionnoun
- meshacrossnoun
- meshto be acrossintransitive verb
- methidropenoun
- méwithcrowdnoun
- mezhpowdernoun
- mezhelto grind
- mileafnoun
- midanimalcore word
- midcreaturecore word
- midcreaturenoun
- midleafcore word
- midemathstablenoun
- miháabepagenoun
- mihíto be smallintransitive verb
- míiamazement; to be amazednoun
- míito be amazedintransitive verb
- míiliradiancenoun
- míirileawed silencenoun
- mimeto askcore word
- mimeto askintransitive verb
- mimeto ask
- miménebeddingnoun
- miménecoveringsnoun
- mineating utensilnoun
- minato movecore word
- minato moveintransitive verb
- mínacompassion for no reasonnoun
- minidibiet cetera
- miwithcitynoun
- miwithtownnoun
- miwithácity-dwellernoun
- mofurniturenoun
- modemmodemnoun
- modito be uglyintransitive verb
- mónacompassion for foolish reasonsnoun
- mudmushroomnoun
- mudapigcore word
- mudapignoun
- mudahéthepig-cleannoun
- mudahétheto be pig-cleanintransitive verb
- muhumscissorsnoun
- múnacompassion for bad reasonsnoun
- nayoupronoun
- na-to start toaffix
- na-to start toduration marker
- ná-to continue toaffix
- ná-to continue toduration marker
- náalnightnoun
- nabbramblenoun
- náhebto decreaseintransitive verb
- nahinto becomeintransitive verb
- nanyoupronoun
- nanáalsunsetnoun
- nárahebto increaseintransitive verb
- nárilto feel internallyintransitive verb
- nárilimto quest internallyintransitive verb
- nasháaldawnnoun
- nasháalsunrisenoun
- nathpricenoun
- nathayourpronoun
- nathábuyernoun
- náwígrowthnoun
- náwíto growintransitive verb
- nayato nurture
- nayato take care ofcore word
- nayato take care of
- nayadiblessingnoun
- nayadithalencouragementnoun
- nayadithalto encourage
- nayahácare-givernoun
- nazhyoupronoun
- neyoupronoun
- ne-to repeataffix
- ne-to repeatduration marker
- nedaonly
- nedeonecore word
- nedeonenoun
- nédeto wantcore word
- nédeto want
- nedebeto be fewcore word
- nedebeto be few; to be severalintransitive verb
- nedebeto be severalcore word
- nedebenilamong (few/several)
- nedeboshsticknoun
- nedelothfactnoun
- nédeshubintentnoun
- nédeshubelmotivationnoun
- nedethabelevennoun
- nedeyafirstnoun
- néeto be alienintransitive verb
- néeháaliennoun
- nehenacontentment despite negative circumstancesnoun
- nempearlnoun
- nemeháalishclitorisnoun
- nenyoupronoun
- nenethyoupronoun
- nerilto waitintransitive verb
- nerilwaitnoun
- nethyoupronoun
- neyóoyourselfpronoun
- neyóonyourselvespronoun
- neyóozhyourselvespronoun
- nezhyoupronoun
- nezhethyoupronoun
- nicupnoun
- niyoupronoun
- nibeightnoun
- nibethabeighteennoun
- nilinsidecore word
- nilinsidenoun
- nilewodtamponnoun
- nimebe willing; will (not future tense)
- nimeto be willing
- nincausalcore word
- ninto causecore word
- ninto cause
- ninyoupronoun
- ninacontentment for no reasonnoun
- nináthe one responsiblenoun
- ninálhthe one to blamenoun
- nishweednoun
- nithfrostnoun
- nithedimrefrigeratornoun
- nithedimethóorefrigerator guestnoun
- nizhyoupronoun
- no-to finishaffix
- no-to finishduration marker
- nó-to cease toaffix
- nó-to cease toduration marker
- nodaledgenoun
- nohadalto hem
- nohodáathrectumnoun
- nolon; upon
- nolineangelnoun
- nolobto become fullintransitive verb
- nonacontentment for foolish reasonsnoun
- nonedeanoun
- nonedethe final onenoun
- nonedethe last onenoun
- nóowidto be big and littleintransitive verb
- norito send
- nosháadarrivalnoun
- nosháadto arriveintransitive verb
- nótháato cease to thriveintransitive verb
- nuherecore word
- nuherenoun
- nuhere
- nubmodenoun
- núháamto feel oneself cared forintransitive verb
- núháamto feel oneself cherishedintransitive verb
- núháamto feel oneself nurtured by someoneintransitive verb
- nunacontentment for bad reasonsnoun
- nuthulorphannoun
- núutherenoun
- núuthere
- oaroundcore word
- oaroundnoun
- obabodycore word
- obabodynoun
- obadomto body-remember
- obahédabodily secretionnoun
- obahéthea clean bodynoun
- obahétheto clean ones bodyintransitive verb
- obahéthethibshowernoun
- obahéthethibto take a showerintransitive verb
- obahéthewodbathnoun
- obahéthewodto batheintransitive verb
- obahéthewodto take a bathintransitive verb
- obethroughcore word
- obethrough
- obedcause; reasonnoun
- obedito body-learn
- obedito learn a skill
- obéeduringcore word
- obéeduring (I work during the night. -> Bíi hal le náaleya obée wa.)
- obehamaltarnoun
- obethneighbornoun
- obeyalgoldnoun
- obomcondomnoun
- odclothnoun
- odaarmnoun
- odáweavernoun
- odamalipnoun
- odamalipsnoun
- odámálato caress with the lips
- odámálato kiss
- odayáaninethabranchnoun
- odithtonguenoun
- odithámálato caress with the tongue
- odobeyalcloth-of-goldnoun
- ódoncheesenoun
- ohamlove for that which is holynoun
- ohamto love
- ohamediprayernoun
- ohehenarespect despite negative circumstancesnoun
- ohenarespect for good reasonsnoun
- ohinarespect for no reasonnoun
- Ohoyou're welcome (polite phrase)
- ohonarespect for foolish reasonsnoun
- ohunarespect for bad reasonsnoun
- olto store
- olaninto practice
- olimheavennoun
- olimparadisenoun
- olimehain heaven
- olinforestnoun
- olinwoodsnoun
- olobblownoun
- olobhitnoun
- olobstrikenoun
- olobtraumanoun
- olobesharadepression as result of major traumanoun
- olothskillnoun
- olowodgroupnoun
- omto teach
- omahandcore word
- omahandnoun
- omáteachernoun
- omamidapenoun
- omidhorsenoun
- onheadnoun
- onafacecore word
- onafacenoun
- onabelmasknoun
- onabelto mask
- onelalcreamnoun
- onethudantlernoun
- onethudhornnoun
- onidafamilycore word
- onidafamilynoun
- onidahéthefamily-cleannoun
- onidahétheto be family-cleanintransitive verb
- oninnursenoun
- oóbto jumpintransitive verb
- óobovennoun
- óobalegnoun
- óobealongnoun
- oódóobridgenoun
- óohato be tiredcore word
- óohato be tiredintransitive verb
- óohato be wearycore word
- óohato be wearyintransitive verb
- óolmooncore word
- óolmoonnoun
- óolethamcovennoun
- óolethamworship circlenoun
- óolewilmenstrual bloodnoun
- óolewodsanitary napkinnoun
- óoloómothnoun
- óomto mournintransitive verb
- óomto mourn
- óomafootnoun
- óomasháadwalknoun
- óomishoenoun
- óosholanalone with griefnoun
- óothasoulnoun
- óothadamarapportnoun
- óothadamato experience rapportintransitive verb
- óothanuthulspiritual orphanhoodnoun
- óothanuthulto be utterly bereft of a spiritual communityintransitive verb
- óothasháalregular self-timenoun
- óowafirecore word
- óowafirenoun
- óowáaninredwoodnoun
- óowabovolcanonoun
- óowabobinvolcanic craternoun
- óowamiddragonnoun
- óoyaheartnoun
- óoyaáláanheartbeatnoun
- óoyaáláanpulsenoun
- óoyaha omapalm of the handnoun
- óoyahonethamindnoun
- óoyasháaltime of greatest energy each daynoun
- óoyomouthnoun
- óozhcomsetnoun
- óozhácomset techniciannoun
- oshto weave
- osháanamenstrualcore word
- osháanamenstrualnoun
- osháanamenstruationnoun
- osháanato menstruatecore word
- osháanato menstruateintransitive verb
- oshethamwreathnoun
- othto be importantintransitive verb
- OtheAmennoun
- Otheend of prayer phrasenoun
- OtheSelahnoun
- othelblessed placenoun
- othelholynoun
- othelto be blessedintransitive verb
- owahotnoun
- owato be hotcore word
- owato be warmcore word
- owato be warmintransitive verb
- owáanotherefore
- owahúuzhblanketnoun
- owedressnoun
- owegownnoun
- owehidmen's clothingnoun
- owehidmen's garmentnoun
- owolabianoun
- oyafleshnoun
- oyaskinnoun
- oyabodoutlinenoun
- oyabodsilhouettenoun
- oyadato itch
- oyieyenoun
- oyimahinavioletnoun
- oyonosenoun
- oyuearnoun
- ozhdreamnoun
- ozhto dreamintransitive verb
- ozhimelonnoun
- ranocore word
- rano; not (interjection); To make a sentence negative; put ra right after the verb.
- ranotcore word
- ra-nonaffix
- ráahedethito be empathically impairedintransitive verb
- ráahedethito be unable to feel lowitheláadintransitive verb
- ráahedethilhto be deliberately empathically impairedintransitive verb
- ráahedethilhto be unwilling to feel lowitheláadintransitive verb
- ráalehaleto be musically or euphonically deprivedintransitive verb
- ráathamcommand roomnoun
- rabalhreeknoun
- rabalhstinknoun
- rabalhto reekintransitive verb
- rabalhto stinkintransitive verb
- rabalinto be youngintransitive verb
- rabanto take away fromintransitive verb
- rabinilhgift with strings attachednoun
- raboflat plainnoun
- raboplainnoun
- raboboshfloornoun
- rabohíto be longintransitive verb
- raboóshstraightnoun
- raboóshto be straightintransitive verb
- radnodenoun
- radalnothingnoun
- radamato actively refrain from touching
- radamato avoiding touch
- radamato non-touch
- radamalhto non-touch with evil intent
- radazhto be firmintransitive verb
- radazhto be hardintransitive verb
- radéelanon-gardennoun
- radenwithout
- radenaunfriendliness for good reasonsnoun
- radezhdifficult
- radezhto be difficultintransitive verb
- radiídinnon-holidaynoun
- radimilto be plainintransitive verb
- radimilto be simpleintransitive verb
- radimilto be unadornedintransitive verb
- radinaunfriendliness for no reasonnoun
- radoto be weakintransitive verb
- radodelhnon-interfacenoun
- radonaunfriendliness for foolish reasonsnoun
- radunaunfriendliness for bad reasonsnoun
- raduthto non-useintransitive verb
- raduthato not-healintransitive verb
- raduthahánot-healernoun
- raduthahálhnon-healer with evil intentnoun
- raháanainsomnianoun
- rahabelhidto exile
- rahabelhidáexilenoun
- rahabelhidáoutcastnoun
- rahadidadnevercore word
- rahadihadnever
- rahahíto be long-livedintransitive verb
- rahahíto be temporally extensiveintransitive verb
- rahanafaminenoun
- rahanajunk foodnoun
- rahathnever
- raheba hoardnoun
- rahebto hoard
- rahebupcore word
- rahebup
- rahedgadgetnoun
- raheduseless non-toolnoun
- rahéedaaccursednoun
- rahéedato be accursedintransitive verb
- rahéedato be unholyintransitive verb
- rahéedaunholynoun
- rahéedanto mistranslate
- rahéelhedanto deliberately mistranslate with evil intent
- rahéenanon-heart-siblingnoun
- rahenmisunderstandingnoun
- rahento misunderstand
- raheshto be irresponsibleintransitive verb
- rahétheto be dirtyintransitive verb
- rahibnon-crimenoun
- rahilto ignore
- rahilto non-attend
- rahilto withhold attention
- rahilhto ignore with evil intent
- rahilhto non-attend with evil intent
- rahilhto withhold attention with evil intent
- rahithdarknessnoun
- rahíyato be bigintransitive verb
- rahíyato be largeintransitive verb
- rahíyameshwidenoun
- rahíyameshwide
- rahobethnon-neighbornoun
- rahobeyalfool's goldnoun
- raholto squander
- raholto waste
- rahomto non-teachintransitive verb
- rahothnowherenoun
- rahothnowhere
- rahowato be coldintransitive verb
- rahuto be closedintransitive verb
- rahubirritant substancenoun
- rahulhslavenoun
- raláadto non-perceive
- raláadánon-perceivernoun
- raláadáone who fails to perceivenoun
- raláadálhnon-perceiver with evil intentnoun
- raláadálhone who fails to perceive deliberately and with evil intentnoun
- ralahebsomething blandnoun
- ralahebsomething utterly spicelessnoun
- ralalidroughtnoun
- ralámálhatactile deprivationnoun
- ralathto be celibate not by choiceintransitive verb
- ralée-affix
- ralhrapenoun
- ralhto rape
- ralhewedethto obfuscate
- ralhohamlove for evilnoun
- ralihapitchernoun
- ralilito be dryintransitive verb
- ralithto deliberately refrain from thinking about something
- ralithto wall something off in one’s mind
- ralodanarchynoun
- ralóoloto be fastintransitive verb
- ralorolonon-thundernoun
- raloshbankruptcynoun
- ralothignorancenoun
- rampresencenoun
- ramahaabsence of sexual desirenoun
- raménacallousness for good reasonsnoun
- raménato be callous
- raménato disregard
- ramihíto be largeintransitive verb
- ramíilievilnoun
- ramíilidefrom evil (theological)
- ramimeto refrain from askingintransitive verb
- ramimelhto refrain from asking with evil intentintransitive verb
- ramínacallousness for no reasonnoun
- ramínato be callous for no reason
- ramínato disregard for no reason
- ramónacallousness for foolish reasonsnoun
- ramónato be callous for foolish reasons
- ramónato disregard for foolish reasons
- ramúnacallousness for bad reasonsnoun
- ramúnato be callous for bad reasons
- ramúnato disregard for bad reasons
- rantypewriternoun
- ranabeveragecore word
- ranabeveragenoun
- ranadrinkcore word
- ranadrinknoun
- ranato drinkcore word
- ranaháalcoholicnoun
- ranahádrinkernoun
- ranalno how; in no way
- ranemnon-pearlnoun
- ranerancomputer printernoun
- raneranprinternoun
- raninon-cupnoun
- raniloutcore word
- raniloutsidecore word
- raniloutsidenoun
- raniloutside; out
- ranimeto be unwillingintransitive verb
- ranonedeto be infiniteintransitive verb
- rarilhto deliberately refrain from recording
- rarulhnon-synergynoun
- rashadiscordnoun
- rasheto torment
- rashebresistence to changenoun
- rashelhto torture
- rashelithworrynoun
- rashenidalbureaucracynoun
- rashidanon-gamenoun
- rashimcelibacynoun
- rashimáa celibate personnoun
- rashonargumentnoun
- rashonfightnoun
- rashonquarrelnoun
- rashonto argueintransitive verb
- rashonto fightintransitive verb
- rashonto quarrelintransitive verb
- rashonelhwarnoun
- rashonelháaggressornoun
- rashonelháattackernoun
- rathalto be badintransitive verb
- rathenadespair for good reasonsnoun
- rathinadespair for no reasonnoun
- rathomnon-pillownoun
- rathonadespair for foolish reasonsnoun
- rathóonon-guestnoun
- rathunadespair for bad reasonsnoun
- rawanchestnoun
- rawedethto be murkyintransitive verb
- rawedethto be obscureintransitive verb
- raweshalhnon-gestaltnoun
- rawihiemotionlessnessnoun
- rawíito be deadintransitive verb
- rawithnobodynoun
- rawohononenoun
- rawohonone; not at all
- rawohonot at allnoun
- rawóobanábarren onenoun
- rawóobanáto be barrenintransitive verb
- rayideanorexianoun
- rayideto be anorexicintransitive verb
- rayilabovecore word
- rayilabovenoun
- rayilto be aboveintransitive verb
- rayilto be above
- RayilesháalFridaynoun
- rayomdangernoun
- razhvehiclenoun
- redebto find
- réeleharbornoun
- rencarpetnoun
- renrugnoun
- reshwaspnoun
- rito keep records
- rito record
- ridademcamcordernoun
- ridademcameranoun
- ridademVCRnoun
- ríibibfrognoun
- rilnowcore word
- rilnow
- rilpresenttense
- rilpresent time; now (Time Auxiliary)
- ril i aril irilriliforevermore
- rilesilencenoun
- riledimsilent refusal to discuss rilehumnoun
- rilehanasilence that is comfortable and naturalnoun
- rilehumsilence that is a purposeful refusal to communicatenoun
- rilelhmalicious silencenoun
- rilerahumsilence acutely painful to younoun
- rilerashumsilence imposed by internal force of will because all words are wrong words and silence is the sole defense against disintegrationnoun
- rilhedimmalicious silent refusal to discuss rilhehumnoun
- rilhehummalicious silence that is a purposeful refusal to communicatenoun
- rilherahummalicious silence acutely painful to younoun
- rilinto drinkintransitive verb
- rilinto drink
- rilinehothbarnoun
- rilrilihypotheticaltense
- rilrilihypothetical; would; might; let's suppose (Time Auxiliary)
- rimshouldernoun
- rimáayocapenoun
- rimáayocloaknoun
- rimelcopiernoun
- rimelcopier machinenoun
- rinplatenoun
- riwethto keep track of
- rizhotape recordernoun
- roweathercore word
- roweathernoun
- ro-wildaffix
- rodmillionnoun
- rohorostormnoun
- romidwild animalnoun
- róoharvestnoun
- róohágatherernoun
- róoháharvesternoun
- róomathbarnnoun
- roshsuncore word
- roshsunnoun
- rothilwild vinenoun
- rusynergynoun
- ruhobto be deepintransitive verb
- ruhobehaldeep careernoun
- ruhobehalmiddle careernoun
- rulcatcore word
- rulcatnoun
- ruleloto purrintransitive verb
- ruleloto purrnoun
- rumhipnoun
- rumadto cover
- rumadto hide
- rumadto put away
- rumadonito bury
- rumishadownoun
- rushto be finalintransitive verb
- rushto be lastintransitive verb
- rushiwinenoun
- rushihávintnernoun
- rúshoto be bitterintransitive verb
- rúshomeénanbittersweetnoun
- rúuto lie downintransitive verb
- shaharmonycore word
- shaharmonynoun
- shato be in harmonycore word
- shato be in harmonyintransitive verb
- sháadto comecore word
- sháadto comeintransitive verb
- sháadto gocore word
- sháadto gointransitive verb
- sháadehulgrowth through transcendencenoun
- sháadonito quest for truthintransitive verb
- sháaldaynoun
- sháampsalmnoun
- shadto be perfectintransitive verb
- shadto be pureintransitive verb
- shadonconforming to the harmony of the universenoun
- shadonhonornoun
- shadontruthnoun
- shahinarosenoun
- shalcourtesynoun
- shalmannersnoun
- shalagrief with reason; with blame; and not futilenoun
- shamlove for the child of one's body; presupposing neither love nor respect nor their absencenoun
- shamto love
- shamagrief with reason; but with no blame; and futilenoun
- shamiddomestic animal
- shanfivenoun
- shanagrief with reason; but with no blame and not futilenoun
- shaneto be downyintransitive verb
- shaneto be furryintransitive verb
- shanemidrabbitnoun
- shanethabfifteennoun
- sharagrief with reason; with blame; and futilenoun
- shashoconnectionnoun
- shathulmothernoun
- shawitheldernoun
- shawithhonored adultnoun
- shawithehalelder careernoun
- shawithehalretired careernoun
- sheto comfort
- shéwith regard to (loanword)
- shebchangecore word
- shebchangenoun
- shebto changecore word
- shebto changeintransitive verb
- shebawidownoun
- shebashebdeathnoun
- shebehatheshunchange-of-life ritualnoun
- shebehatheshuncoming-of-age ritualnoun
- shebehatheshunrite of passagenoun
- shéedesertnoun
- shéebaearthwormnoun
- shehácomforternoun
- shehéedaholy daynoun
- shelto be rigorousintransitive verb
- shelalendulcimernoun
- sheniintersectionnoun
- shenidalnetworknoun
- sherídanniecenoun
- sheshisandnoun
- sheshihothbeachnoun
- shito pleaseintransitive verb
- shidagamenoun
- shidito be togetherintransitive verb
- shilimistnoun
- shimcopulationnoun
- shimsexnoun
- shimto copulateintransitive verb
- shimto engage in sexcore word
- shimto engage in sexintransitive verb
- shimto sexual actintransitive verb
- shimácopulaternoun
- shimáone who performs a sexual actnoun
- shinto be twointransitive verb
- shintwonoun
- shinagrief without reason or blame; not futilenoun
- shinehalcomputernoun
- shinehóowithgreat granddaughternoun
- shinehothulgreat grandmothernoun
- shinenilbetween
- shineshidto be invitedintransitive verb
- shineshidethóoinvited guestnoun
- shinethabtwelvenoun
- shineyasecondnoun
- shiniledalmiddlenoun
- shinishidicouplenoun
- shinishincalculatornoun
- shinóoyato be creativeintransitive verb
- shinóoyato be fertileintransitive verb
- shishidunitednoun
- shishidebethnationnoun
- shoto be heavyintransitive verb
- shodroomnoun
- shódato feel cut off due to family responsibilitiesintransitive verb
- shódato feel houseboundintransitive verb
- sholabsence-of-painnoun
- sholalanalone in a crowd of peoplenoun
- sholalanto be alone in a crowd of peopleintransitive verb
- sholanto be aloneintransitive verb
- shonpeacenoun
- shonápeacemakernoun
- shonidatribenoun
- shóoto come to passintransitive verb
- shóoto happenintransitive verb
- shóobanto enableintransitive verb
- shóobanto help make happenintransitive verb
- shóodbusynoun
- shóodto be busyintransitive verb
- shóodalnewsnoun
- ShóshoMagic Grannynoun
- shothpredicatenoun
- shothpredicate
- shoyaanimal skinnoun
- shoyahidenoun
- shuto smell
- shuto sniff
- shubto docore word
- shubto do
- shudto be poorintransitive verb
- shulheto be inappropriateintransitive verb
- shulheto be wrong for
- shulheto not fit
- shulinto overflowintransitive verb
- shumaircore word
- shumairnoun
- shumáadto flyintransitive verb
- shumathtowernoun
- shumezhto siftintransitive verb
- shunceremonynoun
- shunritualnoun
- shunobahétheritual bathnoun
- shunobahétheto ritually batheintransitive verb
- tháato do wellintransitive verb
- tháato thriveintransitive verb
- thaáhelto get byintransitive verb
- thabtennoun
- thabebathsixtynoun
- thabebath i nedesixty-onenoun
- thabebimfortynoun
- thabebóothirtynoun
- thabebudnintynoun
- thabenibeightynoun
- thabeshanfiftynoun
- thabeshintwentynoun
- thabeyatenth
- thabumseventynoun
- thadto be ableintransitive verb
- thadto be able
- thadebirthdaynoun
- thahomafistnoun
- thahomato fist
- thalfinenoun
- thalgoodnoun
- thalsatisfactorynoun
- thalto be finecore word
- thalto be fineintransitive verb
- thalto be goodcore word
- thalto be goodintransitive verb
- thalto be satisfactorycore word
- thalto be satisfactoryintransitive verb
- thaledangospelnoun
- thamcirclenoun
- thamehalglobenoun
- thamehalplanetnoun
- thamehalspherenoun
- thamehaledalasteroidnoun
- thamehibto squeeze
- thamerilito wring
- thamerilito wring
- thameshoto wrap
- thamewudarcnoun
- thameyultornadonoun
- thanundergroundnoun
- thazhinheritednoun
- thazhto inherit
- thé-to be about toaffix
- thedfarnoun
- thedto be farintransitive verb
- thedejewelnoun
- thée-to be about toaffix
- théewóobansoon to give birthnoun
- théewóobanto be soon to give birthintransitive verb
- thehenahappiness despite negative circumstancesnoun
- thehenajoy despite negative circumstancesnoun
- thehenato be happy despite negative circumstancesintransitive verb
- thehenato be joyful despite negative circumstancesintransitive verb
- thelto get
- thelto obtain
- théletelevisionnoun
- themneednoun
- themto need
- thento break
- thenahappiness for good reasonsnoun
- thenajoy for good reasonsnoun
- thenato be happy for good reasonsintransitive verb
- thenato be joyful for good reasonsintransitive verb
- thenazhoto purrintransitive verb
- theniinterruptionnoun
- theraEarthnoun
- theraTerranoun
- theshherbnoun
- théwóobanon the point of giving birthnoun
- thezhsorrelnoun
- thito havecore word
- thito have
- thibstand upintransitive verb
- thibto rise upintransitive verb
- thibáwallnoun
- thibebcooking utensilnoun
- thidstringnoun
- thidthreadnoun
- thidto string
- thidto thread
- thiháownernoun
- thihápossessornoun
- thilvinenoun
- thilifishcore word
- thilifishnoun
- thinahappiness for no reasonnoun
- thinajoy for no reasonnoun
- thinato be happy for no reasonintransitive verb
- thinato be joyful for no reasonintransitive verb
- thizhpienoun
- thó-to have justaffix
- thobone thousandnoun
- thob i nedeone thousand and onenoun
- thodto write
- thodwrittennoun
- thodewriting implementnoun
- tholbreastnoun
- thompillowcore word
- thompillownoun
- thomanearnoun
- thonseednoun
- thonahappiness for foolish reasonsnoun
- thonajoy for foolish reasonsnoun
- thonato be happy for foolish reasonsintransitive verb
- thonato be joyful for foolish reasonsintransitive verb
- thóoguestnoun
- thóohétheguest-cleannoun
- thóohétheto be guest-cleanintransitive verb
- thoshskycore word
- thoshskynoun
- thówóobanto have just given birthintransitive verb
- thuhoneynoun
- thudbonenoun
- thuháapiaristnoun
- thuhábeekeepernoun
- thuhalcandynoun
- thuhulcharismanoun
- thuhulcharmnoun
- thulparentcore word
- thulparentnoun
- thulanasoup
- thunmusclenoun
- thunahappiness for bad reasonsnoun
- thunajoy for bad reasonsnoun
- thunato be happy for bad reasonsintransitive verb
- thunato be joyful for bad reasonsintransitive verb
- thuwebemeadnoun
- thuyuapricotnoun
- thuzhcakenoun
- uto be openintransitive verb
- ubbalmnoun
- ubsoothing substancenoun
- ubathto scratch an itchintransitive verb
- udstonecore word
- udstonenoun
- udademstatuenoun
- udathnoonnoun
- udathihéeafternoonnoun
- udemedapotatonoun
- udólolavanoun
- udoyacarapacenoun
- udoyahullnoun
- udoyashellnoun
- uhudnuisancenoun
- uhudemidticknoun
- uhudesharadepression as result of small eventnoun
- uhudezhubticknoun
- ulhopenoun
- ulto hopeintransitive verb
- ulaninto study
- ulhadto betray
- ulinschoolnoun
- umsevennoun
- umeto be abundantintransitive verb
- umeto be fullintransitive verb
- umeloláadto visualize
- umeloláadvisualizationnoun
- umethabseventeennoun
- unto lead somebody
- unto lead something
- unáleadernoun
- unáqueennoun
- unárulernoun
- unáhidkingnoun
- uneto wear
- urahugatenoun
- uthbrainnoun
- uthemidwhalenoun
- úushilifognoun
- úuyato feel paincore word
- úuyato feel painintransitive verb
- úuyato hurtcore word
- úuyato hurtintransitive verb
- úuzhsheet beddingnoun
- úuzhsheetsnoun
- uzhcharacternoun
- uzhsymbolnoun
- waI have perceived it myselfevidence morpheme
- waáI assume this is false because I distrust the sourceevidence morpheme
- wáaI assume this is true because I trust the sourceevidence morpheme
- waálhI assume this is false because I distrust the source and I assume evil intentevidence morpheme
- wahaany
- waludalsewage plantnoun
- waludalwaste water plantnoun
- wamcalmnoun
- wamto be calmintransitive verb
- wamto be placidintransitive verb
- wamto be stillintransitive verb
- wanbacknoun
- weI have perceived it in a dreamevidence morpheme
- weblivernoun
- webebeernoun
- webehábrewernoun
- webeshhopsnoun
- wedethto be clearintransitive verb
- wéecrynoun
- wéeto cryintransitive verb
- wéebealenoun
- wéedanto read
- wéehothlibrarynoun
- wehemarketnoun
- wehestorenoun
- wehebutha gathering of storesnoun
- wehebuthmallnoun
- wehebuthebodstrip-mallnoun
- wéhenágratitude despite negative circumstancesnoun
- wéhenáto be grateful despite negative circumstancesintransitive verb
- wemto loseintransitive verb
- wemanwinternoun
- wemenspringnoun
- wemonautumnnoun
- wénágratitude for good reasonsnoun
- wénáto be grateful for good reasonsintransitive verb
- wéshageshaltnoun
- wesháanamenstruationnoun
- wesháanato menstruate lateintransitive verb
- wethpathcore word
- wethpathnoun
- wethroadcore word
- wethroadnoun
- wethtrackcore word
- wethtracknoun
- wethwaycore word
- wethwaynoun
- wethalehalemelodynoun
- wethamto make a turnintransitive verb
- wethamto turnintransitive verb
- wethamturnnoun
- wethenedirectionnoun
- wiIt is self-evidentevidence morpheme
- wilifecore word
- wílifenoun
- widato carrycore word
- widato carry
- widáahithwirenoun
- widadithtelephonenoun
- widadithethóophone guestnoun
- widahathwhen 1) Bíi lalom le widahath hal le wa. I sing when I work. 2) Bíi widahath hal le; lalom le wa. When I work; I sing.
- widahothwhere
- widahuthwhy Bíi widahuth eril náhal with; lothel ra le wa. Why the woman kept working; I don't know.
- widawethhow : Bíi widaweth aril mebedi háawith; lothel ra le wa. How the children will learn; I don't know.
- widazhadto be pregnant late in term and eager for the endintransitive verb
- widomto hold
- wihiemotioncore word
- wihiemotionnoun
- wíito be alivecore word
- wíito be aliveintransitive verb
- wíito be livingcore word
- wíito be livingintransitive verb
- wíithamclergynoun
- willet there be...; would that...; may; let it be
- wiloptative mode; indicating an option or wish (Time Auxiliary)
- Wil shagreeting; (hello) Let there be harmony
- wilicreekcore word
- wilicreeknoun
- wilirivercore word
- wilirivernoun
- wilibodlistnoun
- wilidunedalreservoir for fluidsnoun
- wilominato actintransitive verb
- wilominato performintransitive verb
- wilominabelidtheaternoun
- wilominahothstagenoun
- wínágratitude for no reasonnoun
- wínáto be grateful for no reasonintransitive verb
- wírabanenathabortionnoun
- wírabanenathto abortintransitive verb
- wírabanenathto have an abortionintransitive verb
- wishgasnoun
- withadultnoun
- withpersoncore word
- withpersonnoun
- withwomancore word
- withwomannoun
- withelhebehatred of womennoun
- withelhebemisogynynoun
- withidmale personnoun
- withidmannoun
- withidethomale-identifiednoun
- wíyaáláanrespiration ratenoun
- wíyulto breatheintransitive verb
- wíyulethbreathnoun
- wohypotheticallyevidence morpheme
- wo-affix
- wóbáanto bring to birthintransitive verb
- wobanbirthnoun
- wobanedanbirth languagenoun
- wobanedannative tonguenoun
- wobaneyaat birthnoun
- wobaneyabirthnoun
- wodto sitintransitive verb
- wodamagenitalianoun
- wodazhudmatrixnoun
- wodehahdomeditatenoun
- wodehahdoto meditateintransitive verb
- wodehahdoto sit in a meditative stateintransitive verb
- wohoallnoun
- wohoeverynoun
- wohóohaexperience of a placenoun
- wohóohascenenoun
- wohóohaviewnoun
- wohóolgenitalianoun
- wohoshenito feel joined to
- wohoshenito feel part of somethingintransitive verb
- wohothulancestornoun
- wohothulforemothernoun
- wohothulewothforemother wisdomnoun
- womthroatnoun
- womedimnecknoun
- womillivestocknoun
- womilábreeder of animalsnoun
- wonhandicapnoun
- wónágratitude for foolish reasonsnoun
- wónáto be grateful for foolish reasonsintransitive verb
- wonewithto be socially dyslexicintransitive verb
- wonewithto be uncomprehending of the social signals of othersintransitive verb
- wóobut I know not of the validityevidence morpheme
- wóobanto bearintransitive verb
- wóobanto give birthcore word
- wóobanto give birthintransitive verb
- wóobanábirth-givernoun
- wóoyawombnoun
- wothwisdomnoun
- wothásagenoun
- wotháwise personnoun
- wothemidmulenoun
- wotheshsagenoun
- wusuch a...; what a...
- wudpartnoun
- wumansummernoun
- wúnágratitude for bad reasonsnoun
- wúnáto be grateful for bad reasonsintransitive verb
- wushbroomnoun
- yáa-teenaffix
- yáalinkelpnoun
- yáamidteenage animalnoun
- yáanintreenoun
- yáawithteenagernoun
- yáazhgoosenoun
- yadathirstcore word
- yadathirst; to thirst; to be thirsty; thirstingnoun
- yadato be thirstingintransitive verb
- yadato be thirstycore word
- yadato be thirstyintransitive verb
- yadato thirstintransitive verb
- yahaneshenchantmentnoun
- yahaneshmagicnoun
- yahaneshámagic-makernoun
- yahanesháwitchnoun
- yambaking dishnoun
- yananalysisnoun
- yanto analyze
- yazhducknoun
- yebkidneynoun
- yedvalleynoun
- yemsournoun
- yenhatnoun
- yéshileto be bad and goodintransitive verb
- yethsilvernoun
- yibsolidnoun
- yibomwaxnoun
- yidanmercynoun
- yidehungernoun
- yideto be hungryintransitive verb
- yideto hungerintransitive verb
- yilbelowcore word
- yilto be below
- yilto be undercore word
- yilto be under
- YilesháalSaturdaynoun
- yimerunnoun
- yimeto runintransitive verb
- yospaceshipnoun
- yobcoffeecore word
- yobcoffeenoun
- yodto eatcore word
- yodto eatintransitive verb
- yodto eat
- yodaspacelinernoun
- yodádinernoun
- yodáone who eatsnoun
- yodálhgluttonnoun
- yomsafecore word
- yomsafenoun
- yomsecurecore word
- yomsecurenoun
- yomto be safeintransitive verb
- yomto be secureintransitive verb
- yomedimtrunknoun
- yongovernmentnoun
- yothwill of mindnoun
- yufruitcore word
- yufruitnoun
- yudáanmorphemenoun
- yuhoyapeelnoun
- yuhoyapeelingnoun
- yulwindnoun
- yulehulhurricanenoun
- yulishfeathernoun
- yulomawingnoun
- yumbeetlenoun
- yumalnutnoun
- yunorangenoun
- yuranacordialnoun
- yushoyarindnoun
- zhanamenoun
- zháawrinklenoun
- zháadinmenopausenoun
- zháadinto menopauseintransitive verb
- zháahóowadinhot flashnoun
- zhabenigmanoun
- zhabpuzzlenoun
- zhalato regret with reason; with blame; and not futileintransitive verb
- zhaláadto relinquish a cherished illusionintransitive verb
- zhaláadto relinquish a comforting illusionintransitive verb
- zhaláadto relinquish a familiar illusionintransitive verb
- zhamaregret with reason; but with no blame; and futileintransitive verb
- zhanaregret with reason; but with no blame and not futileintransitive verb
- zhararegret with reason; with blame; and futileintransitive verb
- zhazhairplanenoun
- zheto be as
- zheto be likecore word
- zheto be like
- zheto be similar to
- zhebomfatnoun
- zhebomgreasenoun
- zhedalmetaphornoun
- zhedalsimilenoun
- zhedamresemblenoun
- zhedamto be reminiscent of
- zhedamto resemble
- zhediagreenoun
- zhedito agree verballyintransitive verb
- zheháidentical siblingnoun
- zheláadconsensusnoun
- zheláadto consenseintransitive verb
- zheledalidentitynoun
- zheledalselfnoun
- zheledampersonanoun
- zhelehalwork identitynoun
- zhelithagreenoun
- zhelithto think the sameintransitive verb
- zhesháanamenstruationnoun
- zhesháanato menstruate in sync with another womanintransitive verb
- ZheshuJesus of Nazarethnoun
- zheshubcooperationnoun
- zheshubto cooperateintransitive verb
- zhethalelto act as policeintransitive verb
- zhethalelto policeintransitive verb
- zhethalelápolice officernoun
- zhethobagreementnoun
- zhethobwritten agreement (see also:zhelith; zhedi; zheshub; zheláad)noun
- zhilhadprisonernoun
- zhinaregret without reason or blame; not futilenoun
- zhinato regret without reason or blame; not futileintransitive verb
- zhosoundcore word
- zhosoundnoun
- zhobmachinenoun
- zholhnoisenoun
- zhomidbeenoun
- zhonalaloudnoun
- zhorumiechonoun
- zhozhubbeenoun
- zhuteanoun
- zhubinsectcore word
- zhubinsectnoun
- zhuthpianonoun
- therashenidalinternetnoun
- shinehaleshidacomputer gamenoun
- shinithelectronicnoun
- therashenidalemailnoun
- melimedimailnoun
- shinithimediemailnoun